quality use of medicines expertise

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About Us

QUM Connect provides consultancy services for the quality use of medicines (QUM).  

We bring together a range of expertise in creating and implementing QUM initiatives to improve health outcomes. 

This expertise covers a range of disciplines including implementation science, social marketing, behaviour change, evaluation, health education and the governance of complex national programs. 

We believe that QUM is more than education. Making the right connections between health professionals and consumers, and vice versa, is integral to our approach.  

We also recognise the importance of collaborating with experts, partner organisations and others with implementation know-how to make this happen. 

Our Approach

We provide a range of services and solutions that can be tailored to the needs of the health sector and partners. The depth and quality of our understanding of the medicines landscape is based on years of collective experience. 

Our perspective on QUM is from end-to-end including program governance, stakeholder engagement, formative research, program and intervention design, solution development, marketing and promotion, and program evaluation. 

Our model connects consumers, clinicians, stakeholders and other experts through a collaborative process and is underpinned by robust governance. 

Through our work we aim to: 

  • Improve consumer health literacy 

  • Optimise benefits from medicines 

  • Minimise harm from medicines 

  • Support health system sustainability 

  • Build sustainable partnerships for a collective impact. 

Who We Are

With decades of combined experience working across the health sector and together at NPS MedicineWise, our experience covers a broad range of therapeutic and diagnostic areas across primary, secondary, acute and aged care including the quality use of highly specialised medicines. 

Quality use of medicines  

Our collective experience covers an extensive range of medicine and therapeutic areas, from opioids, antimicrobials and biologics to cardiovascular, kidney, musculoskeletal and mental health. 

Implementation science 

Translation and implementation of evidence and knowledge into clinical practice and health literacy is the cornerstone of our approach. Our processes are collaborative and deploy behaviour change theories and implementation frameworks that enable us to develop the most appropriate solutions for QUM issues. 

Health professional education 

We co-design and develop a broad range of high-quality solutions from educational outreach to online learning to shared decision-making resources. 

Consumer health literacy 

We connect with consumers and health literacy experts to co-create solutions that empower people to make health choices that are right for them.

Social marketing 

We have significant experience in developing social marketing campaigns with impact and a demonstrated benefit for society. Our approach draws on a range to strategies and techniques to promote positive action and behaviours. 

Governance and stakeholder engagement 

Robust governance underpins our approach to providing effective solutions and ensures project objectives and deliverables are met. Our collaborative approach incorporates authentic engagement with consumers, clinical experts and stakeholders  


QUM Connect is working across a range of projects supporting quality use of medicines in different ways. 

QUM Connect is a proud member of the Quality Use of Medicines Alliance, a consortium of eight health professional, consumer and research organisations.  

In 2023, the Alliance was awarded two grants by the Australian Government – for health professional education and consumer health literacy.  The grants cover a number of priority areas, where potential quality and safety issues around medicines use have been identified for both consumers and health professionals.